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66 percent of the Americans polled by Gallup said the never read the blogs, only 9 percent said they regularly read them. Technorati today...
Go to the Web, young journalist! Commentary: This is your chance to shape the future. An open letter to student reporters from an editor w...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
تضامن واسع مع الصحفي العراقي منتظر الزيدي
Monday, December 15, 2008
وحفلت صحف إلكترونية أردنية ومقالات لعدد من الكتاب بالإشادة بإلقاء الحذاء من جانب الصحفي منتظر الزيدي على الرئيس الأميركي.
وتبادل الأردنيون الرسائل الخلوية والاتصالات الهاتفية التي حثوا فيها بعضهم البعض على متابعة الحادثة، فيما أرسلت مئات الرسائل الإلكترونية التي تحمل اللقطة التي تظهر الرئيس الأميركي بينما كانت فردة حذاء الصحفي الأولى تطير باتجاهه.
ومن بين هذه الرسائل واحدة تقول "خبر عاجل: حظر ارتداء الأحذية في الأماكن التي يزورها الرئيس الأميركي"، ورسالة أخرى تدعو إلى بناء تمثال لحذاء الصحفي منتظر الزيدي.
واستقبلت المواقع الإلكترونية مئات التعليقات على الحادثة، حيث أشادت معظم هذه التعليقات بالصحفي العراقي ووصفته بالبطل ودعت إلى تكريمه.
في حين كانت بعض التعليقات عبارة عن نكات أطلقها بعض الصحفيين، ومنها أنه لن يسمح للصحفيين بدءاً من الآن بحضور المؤتمرات الصحفية إلا حفاة، وأخرى تقول إن مصنعي الأسلحة الأميركية بدؤوا في تصنيع سلاح مضاد للأحذية.
كما اقترحت تعليقات أخرى عرض حذاء الصحفي للبيع بالمزاد العلني مؤكدة أنه سيباع بالملايين.
وحفلت صحف إلكترونية أردنية ومقالات لعدد من الكتاب بالإشادة بإلقاء الحذاء من جانب الصحفي منتظر الزيدي على الرئيس الأميركي.
كما حفلت رسائل إلكترونية وأخرى عبر أجهزة الهواتف النقالة تبادلها أردنيون اليوم بالتعليقات الساخرة مما تعرض له بوش.
ومن بين هذه الرسائل واحدة تقول "خبر عاجل: حظر ارتداء الأحذية في الأماكن التي يزورها الرئيس الأميركي"، ورسالة أخرى تدعو إلى بناء تمثال لحذاء الصحفي منتظر الزيدي.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
bloggers in Morocco
Morocco jails king insult blogger | ||||
A Moroccan blogger has been jailed for two years for showing disrespect to the monarchy, say the man's family. Mohammed Erraji, 29, was convicted after writing an article claiming King Mohammed VI's charitable habits were encouraging a culture of dependency. There has been no official comment on the case, but rights groups claim Erraji did not have a fair trial. A BBC reporter says criticising the king is an offence in Morocco and the royal family remains a taboo subject. Morocco has previously caused international outrage with its treatment of internet users. Earlier this year, Fouad Mortada was sentenced to three years in prison for creating a false profile on the internet site Facebook using the identity of the king's brother. He received a royal pardon following protests from internet users around the world. 'Disastrous' Erraji claimed in an internet article that the king's charity towards Moroccans was stifling development by encouraging people to be lazy.
"This has made the Moroccans a people without dignity, who live by donations and gifts," he wrote. The BBC's James Copnall in the capital, Rabat, says he was particularly critical of the practice known as grima - giving lucrative licences to run taxis and other transport in exchange for begging letters. Erraji said this did not happen in developed countries, where hard work rather than begging is rewarded. He was arrested by the authorities last Friday and accused of "lacking the respect due to the king". In court on Monday, he was given a two-year prison sentence and fined 5,000 Dirham ($630:£356). One relative, who claimed to have been present at the trial, said Erraji had not had a lawyer and that the judgement took only ten minutes. "The judge passed sentence very quickly but we couldn't hear what was being said. He had no opportunity to explain himself," said the relative, who asked not to be named. He told Reuters news agency that Erraji was in poor health and was just a "free thinker who simply wants the best for his country". The blogger's brother told the BBC the sentence was disastrous for his family, as Erraji is the only one with a regular income 'Totalitarian' Human rights groups have criticised the verdict and demanded that Erraji be released.
Reporters Without Borders said the trial was "worthy of the most totalitarian states" and the Moroccan Association of Human Rights (AMDH) said the basic elements of a fair trial were not respected. "It happened so quickly that all his rights were flouted," said Khadija Riyadi. A Facebook group and an internet site have been set up in support of Erraji. Our correspondent says Erraji's best hope of freedom could lie in a pardon from the very man whose policies he criticised. |
Web helps Obama with transition
Web helps Obama with transition | |
Barack Obama is turning to the web as he prepares to become US president. Via a website called Change.gov, the Obama campaign plans to provide a guide to the transition process. The site also solicits suggestions from US citizens about their vision for America, and lets them apply for a post with the new administration. On its transition website, the US governmental watchdog has listed the 13 most urgent issues that will soon confront President-elect Obama. Job ads The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) listed oversight of US financial institutions and markets, and the ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, as the most pressing issues. The creation of the Change.gov website is seen by many as making good on Mr Obama's stated aim to make the process of governing more transparent. A blog on the site will document the transition process, and elsewhere it plans to provide biographies and background on the people Mr Obama is recruiting. The site will also accept applications for "non-career" posts in the incoming administration. The site does not give details about posts for which it is seeking recruits, but it said some of the roles would require "Senate approval" suggesting they could be positions of some influence. The site also wants US citizens to tell their stories about what Obama's campaign meant to them, and pass on their "vision" for what they would like to see happen in America. Security threat It is not just Barack Obama who is using the net to get his message across. Hi-tech criminals are also capitalising on his victory in an attempt to trick web users into handing over valuable information. F-Secure found a booby-trapped page claiming to host a copy of Obama's acceptance speech that prompted visitors to update their Flash video player before viewing the video clip. Anyone downloading and installing the supposed update would fall victim to a virus that stole bank login details. "E-mail users who are eager to get the latest scoop on Obama's monumental presidential win should be careful that they are not being tricked by conniving cybercriminals," said Graham Cluley from Sophos. The security firm also came across junk mail messages claiming that either Barack Obama or John McCain had died. Those following the links in these junk messages would find themselves on the website of a Canadian pharmacist. In the run up to the US election, security firm Symantec said it had found junk mail messages that posed as a survey of voter attitudes that tried to gather and steal personal data. Another spam message offered a free "Barackumentary" on DVD, that users could get by providing credit card and other personal details. |
Saturday, August 30, 2008
انطلاق مسابقة "دويتشه فيله" لتتويج أفضل المدونات حول العال
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موقع المسابقة على الإنترنت | ![]() |
دبي - العربية.نت
بعد التعديلات التي أدخلت على مسابقة "البوبز" (وهو الاسم الرسمي لمسابقة دويتشه فيله العالمية للمدونات)، لهذا العام من ناحية الشكل والتصميم، دخلت اللغة الإندونيسية ليصبح بذلك عدد لغات المسابقة 11 لغة.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Internet Politics

Routledge Handbook of Internet Politics
No Author/Editor data available
Price: $150.00
Add to Cart- ISBN: 978-0-415-42914-6
- Binding: Hardback
- Published by: Routledge
- Publication Date: 14th August 2008
- Pages: 528
About the Book
The politics of the internet has entered the social science mainstream. From debates about its impact on parties and election campaigns following momentous presidential contests in the United States, to concerns over international security, privacy and surveillance in the post-9/11, post-7/7 environment; from the rise of blogging as a threat to the traditional model of journalism, to controversies at the international level over how and if the internet should be governed by an entity such as the United Nations; from the new repertoires of collective action open to citizens, to the massive programs of public management reform taking place in the name of e-government, internet politics and policy are continually in the headlines.
The Routledge Handbook of Internet Politics is a collection of over thirty chapters dealing with the most significant scholarly debates in this rapidly growing field of study. Organized in four broad sections: Institutions, Behavior, Identities, and Law and Policy, the Handbook summarizes and criticizes contemporary debates while pointing out new departures. A comprehensive set of resources, it provides linkages to established theories of media and politics, political communication, governance, deliberative democracy and social movements, all within an interdisciplinary context. The contributors form a strong international cast of established and junior scholars.
This is the first publication of its kind in this field; a helpful companion to students and scholars of politics, international relations, communication studies and sociology.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction Andrew Chadwick and Philip N. Howard Part 1: Institutions 2. The Internet in US Election Campaigns Richard Davis, Jody C. Baumgartner, Peter L. Francia and Jonathan S. Morris 3. European Political Organizations and the Internet: Mobilization, Participation and Change Stephen Ward and Rachel Gibson 4. Electoral Web Production Practices in Cross-National Perspective: The Relative Influence of National Development, Political Culture, and Web Genre Kirsten A. Foot, Michael Xenos, Steven M. Schneider, Randolph Kluver and Nicholas W. Jankowski 5. Parties, Election Campaigning and the Internet: Toward a Comparative Institutional Approach Nick Anstead and Andrew Chadwick 6. Technological Change and the Shifting Nature of Political Organization Bruce Bimber, Cythia Stohl and Andrew J. Flanagin 7. Making Parliamentary Democracy Visible: Speaking to, With and For the Public in the Age of Interactive Technology Stephen Coleman 8. Bureaucratic Reform and E-Government in the United States: An Institutional Perspective Jane E. Fountain 9. Public Management Change and E-Government: The Emergence of Digital Era Governance Helen Margetts Part 2: Behavior 10. Wired to Fact: The Role of the Internet in Identifying Deception During the 2004 US Presidential Campaign Bruce W. Hardy, Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Kenneth Winneg 11. Political Engagement Online: Do the Information Rich Get Richer and the Like-Minded More Similar? Jennifer Brundidge and Ronald E. Rice 12. Information, the Internet and Direct Democracy Justin Reedy and Chris Wells 13. Toward Digital Citizenship: Addressing Inequality in the Information Age Karen Mossberger 14. Online News Creation and Consumption: Implications for Modern Democracies David Tewksbury and Jason Rittenberg 15. Web 2.0 and the Transformation of News and Journalism James Stanyer Part 3: Identities 16. The Internet and the Changing Global Media Environment Brian McNair 17. The Virtual Sphere 2.0: The Internet, the Public Sphere and Beyond Zizi Papacharissi 18. Identity, Technology and Narratives: Transnational Activism and Social Networks W. Lance Bennett and Amoshaun Toft 19. Theorizing Gender and the Internet: Past, Present, and Future Niels Van Doorn and Liesbet Van Zoonen 20. New Immigrants, the Internet, and Civic Society Young-Chen Kim and Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach 21. One Europe, Digitally Divided Jan Van Dijk 22. Working Around the State: Internet Use and Political Identity in the Arab World Deborah L. Wheeler Part 4: Law and Policy 23. The Geopolitics of Internet Control: Censorship, Sovereignty and Cyberspace Ronald J. Diebert 24. Locational Surveillance: Embracing the Patterns of Our Lives David J. Phillips 25. Metaphoric Reinforcement of the Virtual Fence: Factors Shaping the Political Economy of Property in Cyberspace Oscar H. Gandy, Jr. and Kenneth Neil Farrall 26. Globalizing the Logic of Openness: Open Source Software and the Global Governance of Intellectual Property Christopher May 27. Exclusionary Rules? The Politics of Protocols Greg Elmer 28. The New Politics of the Internet: Multistakeholder Policy Making and the Internet Technocracy William H. Dutton and Malcolm Peltu 29. Enabling Effective Multistakeholder Participation in Global Internet Governance Through Accessible Cyberinfrastructure Derrick L. Cogburn 30. Internet Diffusion and the Digital Divide: The Role of Policymaking and Political Institutions Kenneth S. Rogerson and Daniel Milton 31. Conclusion Philip N. Howard and Andrew Chadwick
About the Author(s)
Andrew Chadwick is Professor of Political Science and Founding Director of the New Political Communication Unit at Royal Holloway, University of London. He is the author of Internet Politics: States, Citizens, and New Communication Technologies (Oxford University Press), which won the American Sociological Association Communication and Information Technologies Section Outstanding Book Award.
Philip N. Howard is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Washington, and directs the World Information Access Project (www.wiareport.org). He is the author of New Media Campaigns and the Managed Citizen (Cambridge University Press), which won book awards from the American Sociological Association and the International Communication Association.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Democracy digitised
Democracy digitised
Saturday, August 02, 2008
The power of female blogging
The power of female blogging
By Maggie Shiels Technology reporter, BBC News, Silicon Valley |

![]() 'Mommy blogs' are starting to attract lots of traffic |
The message was loud. It was clear. It was simple.
"Take the money."
Spelling it out was Gina Garrubbo, executive vice president of BlogHer, which claims to be the biggest online community for women who blog.
Ms Garrubbo made her comments at Blogher's recent conference in a session that aired concerns mommy bloggers have about selling out by displaying adverts on their sites or testing out products.
"Everyday I talk to Fortune 500 companies and they care. They care about supporting you on your terms. It is your opportunity. Build the business. Write the rules," said Ms Garrubbo.
Changing landscape
Female blogging is a growing phenomenon.
In 12 months the BlogHer network has mushroomed from 180 bloggers to 2,200.
According to comScore Media Metrix, community based women's websites are now tied with political sites as the fastest growing category online.
![]() Blogging is about giving women a voice and sense of community many said |
"Today, women are not only the most powerful consumers in the world, we're also the power users of Web 2.0 and social media technologies," said Lisa Stone, BlogHer co-founder.
That willingness to harness the web has resulted in a community of 36 million women who write and read blogs, said Ms Garrubbo. And that gave them clout among advertisers.
"There are millions of dollars to be made," she said. "Online media is taking away from traditional media and blogging is a new medium just like mobile is a new medium. Mommy blogging is one of the biggest and most influential sectors."
The influence they have with readers is what will help companies sell the next new car, telephone or tomato sauce, Ms Garrubbo told the BBC.
One figure aired at the conference suggested that 64% of the audience who read BlogHer blogs have bought something on the recommendations of the blogger.
Ms Garrubbo warned that companies that want to pitch to these women had best not rely on the old standards.
"These women are changing the nature of advertising in this space. Advertisers need to treat these women intelligently and speak to them differently," she said. "The game has changed."
![]() | ![]() ![]() Catherine Connors, Her Bad Mother |
In a print magazine advertisers could use old standards such as heels, lipstick and sex to sell but that would not work via blogs, she said.
"In this medium women are creating their own terms in their own voice," she said.
General Motors, a sponsor of the conference, said it recognised that things have changed and the traditional market has fragmented.
GM spokeswoman Natalie Johnson told the BBC "I'm here because I want to meet more of the mommy bloggers. It's important for us to get to know this particular audience as well as other bloggers out there.
"Today we are seeing a change in how people communicate. They want their voices heard. Sure they listen to the message but today they say 'hey here's our take on this.' Bloggers want to have a say and we run a big risk not talking to them."
Ethical stance
The conference hosted more than 40 commercial brands including General Motors, LeapFrog Nintendo and HP leading some to acknowledge the problems being paid for blogging presents.
![]() Garrubbo: "There is a major business opportunity waiting to happen" |
"With so many people paying attention to what we are saying there is a tendency for some to write things they think will be commercially acceptable, " warned Lindsay Ferrier of Suburban Turmoil.
Advice on how to deal with such a conflict came from Maria of Immoral Matriarch who urged bloggers to "keep it real".
"As long as you are honest. If you love the product or TV show, I want to hear 'you.' I don't write with the intention of making money, but if anyone wants to give it to me I will take it. But you are not going to censor me.
"If I want to curse or say something politically incorrect, I am going to say it," she added.
Cash call
The truth is that few bloggers make significant sums from blogging. Most earning about $100 (£50) a month. As Heather of Rookie Moms put it, "I make enough to pay for quite a nice lunch once a month."
There were tales of women who had given up work and taken to blogging full time and of others who wrote books and also became full time writers.
Heather Armstrong pays her mortgage from what she makes spilling details of her life and that of her children on Dooce.com. Her husband Jon quit his job to handle the technical side of the site.
![]() Connors: "Blogging is about raising our voices" |
"We live as comfortably as we did when Jon worked full time and I was at home," said Ms Armstrong whose early forays into blogging got her fired from her job as a web designer.
Many women at the conference struggled with the idea of making money from their blogging.
"This (blogging) has become so much about advertising and money and you are either being courted by the advertisers or you are not," said Rachael Mosteller, author the Sarcastic Journalist blog.
For Catherine Connors of Her Bad Mother, who attended with her baby son Jasper, making money was no bad thing.
"Getting paid for blogging is not getting paid for mothering," said Ms Connors. "Mothering is a part of the economy that isn't recognised. It's hard work. We are the backbone of this economy and getting paid for blogging is getting paid for raising our voices."Friday, July 25, 2008
إخوان مصر يتبرأون من حملة على "فيس بوك" لإعادة الخلافة الإسلام
إخوان مصر يتبرأون من حملة على "فيس بوك" لإعادة الخلافة الإسلامية
حبيب: لا علاقة للإخوان بالحملة
"حملة غير واقعية"
رشوان: الإخوان وراءها
موقع الحملة على الإنترنت
القاهرة - منى مدكور
تبرأ نائب المرشد العام لجماعة الإخوان المسلمين في مصر من حملة جديدة أطلقها مجموعة من الشباب المصري، على "الفيس بوك"، ويسمون أنفسهم شباب الإخوان المسلمين، ويدعون لاعتبار الثالث من مارس 2009، يوما لاستعادة الخلافة الإسلامية.
ودعا شباب الإخوان، الذين أطلقوا على أنفسهم "خلايا طلاب الإخوان الإلكترونية"، المسلمين في كافة أنحاء العالم وفي مصر، إلى العمل على إرجاع الخلافة الإسلامية من جديد من خلال التفاعل مع 5 بنود أساسية في الحملة هي: تنظيم مسيرات في كل الأقطار الإسلامية نصرة للإسلام وقضايا الأمة، ونشر حديث الخلافة، أن تكون الخلافة محور خطاب جميع الخطباء حول العالم الإسلامي، ونشر لوحات إعلانية تذكر المسلمين بخلافتهم الضائعة، مراسلو كافه الأحزاب والهيئات الإسلاميه بإحياء هذا اليوم.
وتتواكب هذه الحملة مع أخرى موازية تحت شعار "قوم يا مصري"، أطلقها أيضًا شباب الإخوان على الفيس بوك دعوا فيها المصريين، على اختلاف دياناتهم (المسلمين والمسيحيين، متدينين وغير المتدينين، للتفاعل مع الحملة للنهوض بمصلحة مصر كما تقول أهداف الحملة، كما دعوا للتبني مع شعار "عايزين مصر تبقى إسلامية" في إشارة إلى ضرورة تفرع حملات شباب الإخوان المسلمين في العمل على شبكة الإنترنت لحشد أكبر عدد من الشباب من خلال تكوين خلايا صغيرة تبرز أهم قضاياهم كما يقولون كحملات منفصلة، متصلة على أهداف محددة.
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حبيب: لا علاقة للإخوان بالحملة
وتبرأ نائب المرشد العام للجماعة الدكتور محمد حبيب من الحملة، وهاجم هؤلاء الشباب، نافيا أن يكونوا من الإخوان المسلمين من الأساس.
وقال لـ"العربية.نت" "لا أظن أن شباب الإخوان المسلمين يفعلون ذلك ولا يمكن لهم أن يفكروا بهذه الطريقة، لأن شباب الإخوان يسيرون على نفس نهج ونسق القيادة في جماعة الإخوان المسلمين ولا ينشقون عنها بأفعال فردية ليست تحت حكم وتصرف وقرار الجماعة".
ويؤكد حبيب على أن جماعة الإخوان المسلمين لا علاقة لها بهذه الحملة لشباب الإخوان، قائلا "كل من يخرج عنا، فهو ليس منا، لأن جماعة الإخوان المسلمين لها منهج أساسه الالتزام وتحكمه الضوابط المتعارف عليها، أما من أراد أن يخرج عن هذه
الضوابط التي حددتها الجماعة من خلال اتخاذه لوسيلة أخرى لا نعرف عنها شيئا فعليه ألا ينسب نفسه إلينا ولا يلزم الجماعة بما اتخذه من أفكار وخطوات هي نتاج قرار فردي أولا وأخيرا..".
وينفي حبيب أن يكون هذا الرد هو تخلي عن شباب الجماعة خوفا من أية مواجهات أمنية متوقعة مع الجماعة في المرحلة المقبلة، قائلا "نحن لا نتخلى عن أحد ولكن طالما هؤلاء الشباب لم يلتزموا منهجنا ولم يحترموا أسلوبنا في العمل فهم ليسوا منا وهم مسؤولون مسؤولية كاملة عما يفعلون ولا علاقة لنا بهم وبما يفعلون وكل يتحمل مسؤوليته".
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"حملة غير واقعية"
بدوره، تحفظ عضو مجلس الشعب عن جماعة الإخوان المسلمين الدكتور حمدي حسن على هذه الدعوات، التي وصفها باختلاف وجهات النظر والتطبيق في طريقة عمل الجماعة من الشباب، وأن الأمر في النهاية مجرد تحرك غير واقعي.
لكن حمدي تدارك الأمر حينما سئل عمَّا إذا كان هناك انشقاقا داخليا في صفوف الإخوان المسلمين تبعها تمرد من الجيل الثالث على شيوخ الجماعة، وقال "كل الآمال العظيمة تبدأ بحلم صغير، وهؤلاء شباب من حقهم أن يحلموا ولكني لا أتوقع أن يكون لها مردود على أرض الواقع، رافضا الاستشهاد بإضرابات 6 إبريل و4 مايو التي أثارت الشارع المصري وقبض على العديد من منظميها.
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رشوان: الإخوان وراءها
وأما الدكتور ضياء رشوان، الخبير الاستراتيجي في شؤون الجماعات الإسلامية، فينبه إلى أن نفي حبيب لمعرفة الجماعة بحملة "قوم يا مصري" أمر مستغرب لأن الموقع الرسمي للجماعة على شبكة الإنترنت يحوي بيانا عن الحملة، بتاريخ 4-5-2008، صادر عن الهيكل التنظيمي لطلاب الإخوان المسلمين داخل الجماعة.
وقال "لا يمكن إغفال أن يكون هناك خلافات داخل الجماعة لكنها أبدا لن تصل إلى حد الانشقاق، خاصة أن الخلافات داخل الجماعة، وتكوين أجنحة مستقلة عن بعضها البعض طوال الوقت، لم يخلف أبدا في تاريخ الإخوان طوال 4 أجيال منذ 80 عاما أي انشقاقات جوهرية، فهم حريصون تماما على وحدتهم حتى في أحلك الظروف".
وأشار إلى أنه "من الطبيعي أن تحدث احتكاكات ما بين الأجيال المختلفة داخل الجماعة وهذا أمر معروف، ولكن على سبيل المثال أشهر شباب الإخوان المسلمين وهو عبد المنعم محمود يعنون مدونته بـ"أنا إخوان" على الرغم من هجومه على قيادات الإخوان الحاليين واختلافه معهم في كثير من الأمور، لكنه في النهاية لم ينفصل أو يتبرأ منهم.
وأضاف "إن حملة شباب الإخوان تأتي فعلا أقرب إلى حلم بعيد المنال وغير واقعية، خاصة أن كبار قادة الإخوان المسلمين على مر تاريخهم لم يجعلوا الخلافة الإسلامية هدفا يسعون إليه اللهم إلا هدفا لتجميعهم وليس لإحيائها، وهي طريقة تفكير لشباب عديم الخبرة لا يدرك تماما حجم التحولات الدولية وكيف نشأت الخلافة ولا لماذا انتهت، لكنهم جعلوا الخلافة الإسلامية هدفا للحملة كتنفيس عن الغضب المكتوم في صدروهم تجاه الاضطهاد الذي يتعرض لها المسلمون، خاصة بعد أحداث الـ11 من سبتمبر وإلحاق تهمة الإرهاب بكل ما هو مسلم"
Friday, July 11, 2008
NPR.org - Young Moroccans Bypass Mainstream Media : NPR
فزع إعلامي لعزم مصر مراقبة الفضائيات والإنترنت
فزع إعلامي لعزم مصر مراقبة الفضائيات والإنترنت |
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وزراء الإعلام العرب خلال مناقشتهم لوثيفة البث الفضائي (الجزيرة-أرشيف) |
الجزيرة نت-القاهرة
أثار الكشف عن مشروع قانون أعدته وزارة الإعلام المصرية لتنظيم البث الفضائي ومراقبة الإنترنت، فزعا وهلعا لدى الإعلاميين والحقوقيين الذين وصفوا القانون بـ"البوليسي"، وسط مطالبات لنواب البرلمان بعدم تمريره.
ويتضمن مشروع القانون الذي نشرته صحيفة "المصري اليوم" إنشاء جهاز للرقابة يترأسه وزير الإعلام وعضوية ممثلين عن هيئة الأمن القومي ووزارات الداخلية والخارجية والثفاقة، مهمته مراقبة مضمون ومحتوى جميع وسائل البث من محطات تلفزيونية وإذاعات ومواقع الإنترنت، بما فيها الفيس بوك.
رئيس تحرير جريد البديل الدكتور محمد السيد سعيد أعرب للجزيرة نت عن خشيته من أن يطال القانون المواقع الإلكترونية للصحف "بالتضييق أو الحظر" في محاولة للضغط على الجرائد المطبوعة "التي يرى الأمن أنها تعارض النظام".
وقال إن الوضع السياسي يتجه لتقليص حرية التعبير وضرب التجمعات ذات الأفق السياسي في الفضاء الإلكتروني، معتبرا أن هدف القانون "إثارة ثقافة الخوف والملاحقة الأمنية للمعارضين والنشطاء الحقوقيين".
وأضاف سعيد أن الحكومة تشن حربا إلكترونية وفضائية على القنوات الجادة والمواقع الإلكترونية النشطة، وتوقع أن تشهد الفترة القادمة حالات "كر وفر إلكتروني". وتابع "كما يمكن ضرب أي موقع بسهولة، يمكن بسهولة أكثر فتح موقع جديد".
ونص مشروع القانون على أن "إنشاء الجهاز يأتي للحد من إنتاج برامج يتم بثها مباشرة للجمهور بمحتوى يهدد النظام العام والآداب وما ينطوي على ذلك من إخلال بأمن وسلامة البلاد".
ويعاقب القانون من يخالف ما جاء فيه بالحبس مدة تصل إلى عامين والغرامة أو بإحدى العقوبتين. وجعل مشروع القانون عقوبة الحبس لازمة في حالة تكرار المخالفة، كما يجوز إنذار المخالف ووقف أو سحب الترخيص أو التصريح.
دور الشرطة
ورأى المدير التنفيذي للشبكة العربية لمعلومات حقوق الإنسان جمال عيد أن واضعي القانون هم "رجال شرطة ومباحث وليس إعلاميين وصحفيين"، موضحا أن الحديث عن تركيز القانون على تداول مقاطع الفيديو على الإنترنت "يؤكد أن ضباط شرطة ساهموا في صياغته".
جمال عيد "واضعو القانون هم رجال شرطة ومباحث وليس إعلاميين وصحفيين"، " |
وأشار إلى أن الإعلاميين والمثقفين لم يفاجأوا بإصدار الحكومة المصرية هذا القانون بعد أقل من ثلاثة أسابيع من الاجتماع الأخير لوزراء الإعلام العرب، "الذي استشعرت القاهرة خلاله أن موقف قطر الرافض لوثيقة البث الفضائي جذب دولا عربية إليه، فبادرت بوضع هذا القانون البوليسي الخاص بها".
عبد الجليل الشرنوبي رئيس تحرير إخوان أون لاين -الموقع الرسمي لجماعة الإخوان المسلمين- اعتبر القانون "دفنا للرؤوس في الرمال"، وقال للجزيرة نت إن ملاحقة الفضائيات والمواقع الإلكترونية "سياسة عقيمة ومظهر معتاد للأنظمة الرجعية".
ويدلل بأن حظر الحكومة لموقع الإخوان في ديسمبر/كانون الأول 2004 "لم يمنع الجماعة من التواصل مع أنصارها وجماهيرها لمدة عام كامل", وقال "إذا أغلقوا موقعا يعمل من القاهرة، فيمكن إعادة تشغيله من خارج مصر خلال ساعة واحدة".
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
تقييد الإعلام الإلكتروني يكمل مثلث الرقابة العربية
تقييد الإعلام الإلكتروني يكمل مثلث الرقابة العربية |
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متصفح إنترنت بجناح جامعة الأمم المتحدة بقمة مجتمع المعلومات بتونس (الفرنسية-أرشيف) |
وقالت في بيان إن "على كل مستخدمي الإنترنت الاستعداد جيدا بمواقع ومدونات بديلة وبرامج تتمكن من تجاوز الرقابة كوسائل مقاومة للحجب والرقابة المتوقعين عقب بدء هذه اللجنة لعملها".
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عمرو موسى لم يبد موقفا حاسما من الوثيقة(رويترز) |
Monday, May 19, 2008
Ordinary' Arabs to retake Internet: Wikipedia founder

An explosion in Internet usage in the Middle East by "ordinary" people will show the world that the region is just like anywhere else, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said on Sunday.
"Too often when people around the world reflect on the situation in the Middle East they focus on extremism and the different problems," Wales told journalists at the World Economic Forum for the Middle East.
But with current total Internet usage by one billion people set to double in the next five to 10 years, Wales said that "we're going to start hearing from ordinary people."
"And I think that ordinary people are far more moderate and far more ordinary than the unfortunately polarised views of extremes you see coming out," the founder of the popular user-generated encyclopedia said.
New Internet users are "not going to be coming online from US, Europe, Japan," but from developing countries, he said.
"Over time people will start to see the Middle East in a very different light and not see it as a basket of problems."
They will "see it as a place like any other that has strengths and weaknesses, with hundreds of millions of people just trying to make a better life."
Wikipedia is an "open-source" web site on which entries can be started or edited by anyone in the world with an Internet connection.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Student 'Twitters' his way out of Egyptian jail

(CNN) -- James Karl Buck helped free himself from an Egyptian jail with a one-word blog post from his cell phone.
Buck, a graduate student from the University of California-Berkeley, was in Mahalla, Egypt, covering an anti-government protest when he and his translator, Mohammed Maree, were arrested April 10.
On his way to the police station, Buck took out his cell phone and sent a message to his friends and contacts using the micro-blogging site Twitter.
The message only had one word. "Arrested."
Within seconds, colleagues in the United States and his blogger-friends in Egypt -- the same ones who had taught him the tool only a week earlier -- were alerted that he was being held.
Twitter is a social-networking blog site that allows users to send status updates, or "tweets," from cell phones, instant messaging services and Facebook in less than 140 characters.
Hossam el-Hamalawy, a Cairo-based blogger at UC-Berkeley, was one of the people who got word of Buck's arrest.
"At first I was worried about his safety," el-Hamalawy said.
Then, el-Hamalawy took to the Web and wrote regular updates in his own blog to spread the information Buck was sending by Twitter. Nobody was sure how long Buck would be able to communicate. See Buck describe what he saw and captured on film during the protests »
But Buck was able to send updates every couple of hours saying he was still detained, he had spoken to the prosecutor, he still had not been charged, and he was worried about Maree.
"Usually the first thing the police go for is the detainees' cameras and cellular phones," el-Hamalawy said. "I'm surprised they left James with his phone."
Twitter is normally used to keep groups of people connected in less urgent situations. Watch how Twitter works »
But Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter, said he and others knew that the service could have wide-reaching effects early on, when the San-Francisco, California-based company used it to communicate during earthquakes.
Stone said that as the service got more popular, they began to hear stories of people using Twitter during natural disasters with a focus on activism and journalism.
Buck's urgent message is proof of the value of Twitter, Stone said. Buck's entry set off a chain of events that led to his college hiring a lawyer on his behalf.
"James' case is particularly compelling to us because of the simplicity of his message -- one word, 'arrested' -- and the speed with which the whole scene played out," Stone said. "It highlights the simplicity and value of a real-time communication network that follows you wherever you go."
Initially, the Twitter message was a precaution -- something people could trace in case anything went wrong, Buck said.
"The most important thing on my mind was to let someone know where we were so that there would be some record of it ... so we couldn't [disappear]," Buck said. "As long as someone knew where we were, I felt like they couldn't do their worst [to us] because someone, at some point, would be checking in on them."
Buck began using Twitter as a way to keep up in touch with the bloggers at the heart of his project and the events going on in Egypt that he intended to cover. Buck was working on a multimedia project on Egypt's "new leftists and the blogosphere" as part of his master's degree thesis.
Buck found out from a Twitter message that a planned protest against rising food prices and decreasing wages in Mahalla had been shut down by Egyptian authorities April 6.
The next day, tensions rose as family and friends of protesters who had been detained took to the streets, eventually throwing Molotov cocktails and setting tires on fire, he said.
On April 10, Buck returned to Mahalla, where protests continued.
"I was worried about getting arrested, so I made sure to stay at a distance from the protest so there was no way I could be accused of being part of it," Buck said. "Mohammed and I had a bad sense; it was really tense."
When the men tried to escape, they were detained. That's when Buck thought of Twitter and sent out his message.
Buck and Maree were interrogated, released and then detained again by the same police officers.
"We are really worried that we are off the radar now," Buck said.
Eventually Buck was released, but Maree was transferred to another police station.
As he left the station, Buck reached into his pocket, as he did less than 24 hours earlier.
Another one-word blog entry said it all: "Free."
As happy as he was to be free, Buck said, his biggest frustration was leaving behind the translator who helped protect him during the riots.
Although the Twitter message helped him find contacts to get out of prison, he says it was more the power of the network he had as an American that enabled him to be released so quickly.
"Mohammed was sitting next to me," he said. "But he didn't have the network to call. I tried to use my network to shield him until they tore us apart."
Twitter may not have been able to secure Maree's release, but Buck hopes his initial reason for using Twitter will help find his missing friend.
"It was my big hope that people would get [the message] right away and at least put a thumbtack on the map as far as our location," Buck said.
There has been no official confirmation regarding Maree's whereabouts.
Attiya Shakran, press counsel for the Egyptian Consulate in San Francisco, said Maree was released April 13.
Maree's brother Ahmed Maree said that he had not heard from his brother and that he believes he is still in jail.
Government officials in Egypt could neither confirm nor deny Maree's release, despite repeated requests for comment.

Buck is now using his story and Twitter page as a way to rally people looking for answers about Maree's status. He's gone as far as publishing the phone number of the press counsel of the Egyptian Consulate in San Francisco and posting a petition for Maree's release.
For Buck, the main story is no longer about his quest for freedom from jail; it's a quest to find answers and, eventually, find his friend.